Magazine ads from the house genres common codes and conventions starts with common colors such as black back grounds with various different colored images on top of that usually neon colored and bright lighted. Also they have usually got on them QR code as and various different website addresses and social media links such as Facebook twitter and sometimes instagram which is becoming more common today.
Another key feature which you will see on the magazine adverts from the house genre is the tour dates of clubs and venues which the act is playing at and usually with the genre there are various artists appearing on that date at the venue as a sort of side act so sort of undiscovered DJ's who will sideline the main act. We will use this in our magazine ads so that it adds verisimilitude to the adverts.
As you can see from this madeon ad the dark theme is used to emphasize the colors and title of the act and the dates of where and when the event is on at. Another common feature of magazine ads for this genre is the movie themed titles which head the advert so that it stands out on the page more and is appealing yo the viewers. So we will be following these credentials to achieve the genre specific convention.
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