Storm Queen - Look Right Through (Our Own Edit)

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

JK- You and I

Track: You and I
Artist: JK
Year:  1994
Genre: House
Director: Unknown
Music Video:

1) This video shows a concept or theory which was created by Laura Mulvey which was the Male Gaze theory where by it was said that the female body was objectified where by it was turned into an object just to attract a male audience for example in this video we see te main singer in it wearing a very revieling item of clothing and this is to attract a male audience.

2) Another convention seen in this video is the way the fast pace editing and the flashing cutting transitions inter cut with one another as this is a very effective way of changing the camera shot and the various different angles used to create a sense of realism and verisimilitude

3) The final point of this music video is the way the setting throughout the whole of the video stays the same and this is a way of subjecting the viewers to one setting and doesn't reviel too much about the song but it makes the character more of a main thing rather than the settin unless it is tied into the song title or lyrics

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